Theyyams - Rituals of the Goddesses

Theyyams are celebrated in India`s Kerala throughout the greater part of the year. During these festivals, young men, traditionally from a lower caste, are dressed up as a local Goddess.

After entering into a state of trance he becomes the Goddess and as such she hands out boons to the people from the village and around.

The festivals often start early in the morning and can go on for days.



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About Markus Born

Markus Born is a photographer from Germany who focuses on travel photography. His deep interest in cultural topics led to studies in the humanities, a doctorate and research in philosophy and literature. 

One of the many things he values about photography is that it is a great way to get into direct contact with people and cultures. 

To satisfy his wanderlust and curiosity, he spent time in fascinating countries like Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Iran, Syria, Colombia, Laos and more.


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